GridSim 5.0 beta

Package gridsim.parallel.scheduler

Interface Summary
PrioritySelector This interface is used by a scheduler to obtain the priority of a given schedule item (i.e.

Class Summary
AggressiveBackfill This class is an allocation strategy for ParallelResource that implements aggressive backfilling (EASY).
AggressiveMultiPartitions This class implements a non-FCFS policy to schedule parallel jobs.
ARConservativeBackfill ARConservativeBackfill class is an allocation policy for ParallelResource that implements conservative backfilling and supports advance reservations.
ConservativeBackfill ConservativeBackfill class is an allocation policy for ParallelResource that implements conservative backfilling.
RuntimePredicate This predicate filters jobs according to their runtime
SelectiveBackfill This scheduling strategy is the implementation of the backfilling based scheduler describe in the following paper:

GridSim 5.0 beta

The University of Melbourne, Australia, 2009