GridSim 5.0 beta

Uses of Class

Packages that use ProfileEntry

Uses of ProfileEntry in gridsim.parallel.profile

Subclasses of ProfileEntry in gridsim.parallel.profile
 class PartProfileEntry
          The PartProfileEntry class represents an entry in the availability profile.
protected  class Profile.Entry
          This class is used to return an entry when the user calls one of the methods to query the availability of resources.
 class SingleProfileEntry
          The SingleProfileEntry class represents an entry in the availability profile.

Fields in gridsim.parallel.profile with type parameters of type ProfileEntry
protected  LinkedTreeMap<Double,ProfileEntry> Profile.avail

Methods in gridsim.parallel.profile that return ProfileEntry
protected  ProfileEntry Profile.add(ProfileEntry entry)
          Adds an entry to the availability profile.
 ProfileEntry Profile.checkAvailability(int reqPE, double startTime, long duration)
          Returns a profile entry if a given job with the characteristics provided can be scheduled.
 ProfileEntry Profile.checkImmediateAvailability()
          Returns a profile entry with the currently available PEs.
 ProfileEntry PartProfile.checkPartAvailability(int partId, double startTime, long duration)
          Returns a profile entry if a given job with the characteristics provided can be scheduled.
 ProfileEntry PartProfile.checkPartImmediateAvailability(int partId)
          Returns a profile entry with the currently available PEs at a given partition.
 ProfileEntry Profile.Entry.clone(double time)
abstract  ProfileEntry ProfileEntry.clone(double newTime)
          Returns a clone of this entry.
 ProfileEntry PartProfile.findPartStartTime(int partId, int reqPE, long duration)
          Selects an entry able to provide enough PEs to handle a job.
 ProfileEntry Profile.findStartTime(int reqPE, double readyTime, long duration)
          Selects an entry able to provide enough PEs to handle a job.
 ProfileEntry Profile.findStartTime(int reqPE, long duration)
          Selects an entry able to provide enough PEs to handle a job.
protected  ProfileEntry Profile.getPrecedingValue(double time)
          Returns the entry whose time is closest to the time given but smaller, or whose time is equals to time

Methods in gridsim.parallel.profile with parameters of type ProfileEntry
protected  ProfileEntry Profile.add(ProfileEntry entry)
          Adds an entry to the availability profile.
 int ProfileEntry.compareTo(ProfileEntry entry)
          Compares this object with the specified object for order.

Constructor parameters in gridsim.parallel.profile with type arguments of type ProfileEntry
Profile(LinkedTreeMap<Double,ProfileEntry> avail)
          Protected constructor used by the cloning operations.
SingleProfile(LinkedTreeMap<Double,ProfileEntry> avail)
          Protected constructor used by the cloning operations.

GridSim 5.0 beta

The University of Melbourne, Australia, 2009