GridSim 5.0 beta
Class RIPRouter

  extended by Thread
      extended by Sim_entity
          extended by Router
              extended by RIPRouter
All Implemented Interfaces:
Cloneable, Runnable

public class RIPRouter
extends Router

This class implements a Router using a form of RIP for routing. The routing protocol used here is similar to Routing Information Protocol (RIP) . The routing protocol is run before Gridlets etc. can be submitted.

In case there are more than two routes to a destination, the route with the lower hopcount is used. Since in this simulation routers relay perfect information and links do not break down, RIP should be a reliable protocol to use.

GridSim Toolkit 3.1
Gokul Poduval & Chen-Khong Tham, National University of Singapore

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class Thread
Thread.State, Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class Router
DELAY, MAX_HOP_COUNT, reportWriter_
Fields inherited from class Thread
Constructor Summary
RIPRouter(String name)
          Creates a new RIPRouter object.
RIPRouter(String name, boolean trace)
          Creates a new RIPRouter object with logging facility if it is turned on.
Method Summary
protected  void advertiseHosts()
          All hosts connected to this router are advertised to adjacent routers
 void attachHost(GridSimCore entity, PacketScheduler sched)
          Attaches an entity to this router.
 void attachRouter(Router router, Link link, PacketScheduler sched)
          Joins two routers together.
 void attachRouter(Router router, Link link, PacketScheduler thisSched, PacketScheduler otherSched)
          Joins two routers with a Link.
 PacketScheduler getScheduler(int dest)
          Returns the Scheduler that the router would use to reach a particular destination.
 PacketScheduler getScheduler(Packet np)
          Returns the Scheduler associated with a packet.
 PacketScheduler getScheduler(String dest)
          Returns the Scheduler that the router would use to reach a particular destination.
 void printRoutingTable()
          Prints this router's routing table in a nice-formatted layout
protected  void processEndSimulation()
          Informs the registered entities regarding to the end of a simulation.
protected  void processEvent(Sim_event ev)
          Processes incoming events
Methods inherited from class Router
body, registerOtherEntity, sendInitialEvent, write
Methods inherited from class Sim_entity
add_generator, add_param, add_port, clone, get_id, get_name, get_port, get_port, get_stat, run, send_on, set_invisible, set_stat, sim_cancel, sim_completed, sim_current, sim_get_next, sim_get_next, sim_hold_for, sim_hold, sim_pause_for, sim_pause_for, sim_pause_until, sim_pause_until, sim_pause, sim_process_for, sim_process_for, sim_process_until, sim_process_until, sim_process, sim_putback, sim_schedule, sim_schedule, sim_schedule, sim_schedule, sim_schedule, sim_schedule, sim_select, sim_trace, sim_wait_for, sim_wait_for, sim_wait_for, sim_wait, sim_waiting, sim_waiting
Methods inherited from class Thread
activeCount, checkAccess, countStackFrames, currentThread, destroy, dumpStack, enumerate, getAllStackTraces, getContextClassLoader, getDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler, getId, getName, getPriority, getStackTrace, getState, getThreadGroup, getUncaughtExceptionHandler, holdsLock, interrupt, interrupted, isAlive, isDaemon, isInterrupted, join, join, join, resume, setContextClassLoader, setDaemon, setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler, setName, setPriority, setUncaughtExceptionHandler, sleep, sleep, start, stop, stop, suspend, toString, yield
Methods inherited from class Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public RIPRouter(String name)
          throws NullPointerException
Creates a new RIPRouter object. By default, no recording or logging is done for packets' activities. If you want to log operations of this entity, please use RIPRouter(String, boolean).

name - Name of this router
NullPointerException - This happens when name is empty or null
See Also:
RIPRouter(String, boolean)
Pre Condition:
name != null
Post Condition:


public RIPRouter(String name,
                 boolean trace)
          throws NullPointerException
Creates a new RIPRouter object with logging facility if it is turned on.
NOTE: If logging facility is turned on, there are some overheads in terms of performance and memory consumption.

name - Name of this router
trace - true if you want to record this router's activity, false otherwise
NullPointerException - This happens when name is empty or null
Pre Condition:
name != null
Post Condition:
Method Detail


protected void processEndSimulation()
Informs the registered entities regarding to the end of a simulation.

Specified by:
processEndSimulation in class Router
Pre Condition:
Post Condition:


public void attachRouter(Router router,
                         Link link,
                         PacketScheduler thisSched,
                         PacketScheduler otherSched)
Joins two routers with a Link.

Specified by:
attachRouter in class Router
router - The router on the other side to which this one will be attached.
link - This is the link that will be used to connect the two routers.
thisSched - The scheduling policy used on this routers egress port when sending data through it.
otherSched - The scheduling policy that will be used on the egress port of the router being connected to when sending data to this router.
Pre Condition:
router != null, link != null, thisSched != null, otherSched != null
Post Condition:


public void attachRouter(Router router,
                         Link link,
                         PacketScheduler sched)
Joins two routers together. This is called by the routers themselves and should not be called by other entities.

Specified by:
attachRouter in class Router
router - The Router to which this router will be connected.
link - The Link that will be used to join these routers.
sched - The scheduling policy used on the egress port of the router when sending data through this route.
Pre Condition:
router != null, link != null, sched != null
Post Condition:


public void attachHost(GridSimCore entity,
                       PacketScheduler sched)
Attaches an entity to this router. The link between the router and the entity being attached is taken from GridSimCore.getLink().

Specified by:
attachHost in class Router
entity - The entity to be attached.
sched - The scheduling policy that will be used on the egress port when the router sends data to the entity being joined.
See Also:
Pre Condition:
entity != null, sched != null
Post Condition:


protected void processEvent(Sim_event ev)
Processes incoming events

Specified by:
processEvent in class Router
ev - a Sim_event object
Pre Condition:
ev != null
Post Condition:


public PacketScheduler getScheduler(Packet np)
Returns the Scheduler associated with a packet.

Specified by:
getScheduler in class Router
np - NetPacket for which the associated scheduler is to be returned
the packet's scheduler or null if the packet is empty
Pre Condition:
np != null
Post Condition:


public PacketScheduler getScheduler(int dest)
Returns the Scheduler that the router would use to reach a particular destination. This can be used to set weigths, priorities etc. as the case may be on the Scheduler

Specified by:
getScheduler in class Router
dest - id of the destination for which the Scheduler is required.
the destination's packet scheduler
Pre Condition:
dest > 0
Post Condition:


public PacketScheduler getScheduler(String dest)
Returns the Scheduler that the router would use to reach a particular destination. This can be used to set weigths, priorities etc. as the case may be on the Scheduler

Specified by:
getScheduler in class Router
dest - Name of the destination for which the Scheduler is required.
destination's packet scheduler or null if destination name is invalid.
Pre Condition:
dest != null
Post Condition:


public void printRoutingTable()
Prints this router's routing table in a nice-formatted layout

Specified by:
printRoutingTable in class Router
Pre Condition:
Post Condition:


protected void advertiseHosts()
All hosts connected to this router are advertised to adjacent routers

Specified by:
advertiseHosts in class Router
Pre Condition:
Post Condition:

GridSim 5.0 beta

The University of Melbourne, Australia, 2009