GridSim 5.0 beta
Class DoubleAuction

  extended by Thread
      extended by Sim_entity
          extended by GridSimCore
              extended by GridSim
                  extended by Auction
                      extended by DoubleAuction
All Implemented Interfaces:
Cloneable, Runnable
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class DoubleAuction
extends Auction

This class represents a double auction. Double auction are two-sided auctions in which both buyers and sellers can submit bids and asks respectivelly

GridSim Toolkit 4.0
Marcos Dias de Assuncao
See Also:
Auction, AuctionTags

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class Thread
Thread.State, Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class Auction
Fields inherited from class GridSim
Fields inherited from class GridSimCore
input, NETWORK_TYPE, output
Fields inherited from class Thread
Constructor Summary
DoubleAuction(String auctionName, int auctionProtocol, double durationOfAuction)
          Default constructor
DoubleAuction(String auctionName, int auctioneerID, int auctionProtocol, double durationOfAuction, Sim_port output)
          Default constructor
Method Summary
protected  void closeAuction()
          This method sets the auction as closed
protected  double getDurationOfAuction()
          Returns the duration of the auction
protected  void match(MessageAsk ask, MessageBid bid, double price)
          Invoked by the subclasses when a match of an ask and a bid is found.
abstract  void onReceiveAsk(MessageAsk ask)
          Called when a ask is sent by a provider.
abstract  void onReceiveBid(MessageBid bid)
          Called when a bid is received.
abstract  void onStart()
          Called when the auction is started
abstract  void onStop()
          Called when the auction finishes
protected  void processEvent(Sim_event ev)
          Processes events or services that are available for this Auctioneer
protected  void processOtherEvent(Sim_event ev)
          Overrides this method when making a new and different policy.
 void startAuction()
          This method is called to start the auction and initialize the necessary paramenters
Methods inherited from class Auction
body, broadcastMessage, getAttribute, getAttributes, getAuctioneerID, getAuctionID, getAuctionProtocol, getBidders, getOutputPort, getStartingTime, setAttribute, setAuctioneerID, setAuctionID, setAuctionProtocol, setBidders, setOutputPort, setStartingTime
Methods inherited from class GridSim
clock, disableDebugMode, enableDebugMode, getAdvancedReservationList, getEntityId, getEntityName, getEntityName, getEntityName, getGISId, getGridInfoServiceEntityId, getGridResourceList, getGridSimShutdownEntityId, getGridStatisticsEntityId, getNetworkType, getNumFreePE, getNumFreePE, getNumPE, getNumPE, getResourceCharacteristics, getResourceDynamicInfo, getSimulationCalendar, getSimulationStartDate, getVisualizer, gridletCancel, gridletCancel, gridletMove, gridletMove, gridletPause, gridletPause, gridletReceive, gridletReceive, gridletReceive, gridletResume, gridletResume, gridletStatus, gridletStatus, gridletSubmit, gridletSubmit, gridletSubmit, gridSimHold, init, init, init, initNetworkType, isDebugModeEnabled, isResourceExist, isResourceExist, isTraceEnabled, pauseSimulation, pauseSimulation, receiveEventObject, receiveEventObject, recordStatistics, recordStatistics, recordStatistics, recordStatistics, resourceSupportAR, resourceSupportAR, resumeSimulation, setGIS, shutdownGridStatisticsEntity, shutdownUserEntity, startGridSimulation, startGridSimulation, stopGridSimulation
Methods inherited from class GridSimCore
finalizeGridSimulation, getLink, getPingResult, isNetworked, ping, ping, ping, ping, pingBlockingCall, pingBlockingCall, pingBlockingCall, pingBlockingCall, send, send, send, send, send, send, setBackgroundTraffic, setBackgroundTraffic, terminateIOEntities
Methods inherited from class Sim_entity
add_generator, add_param, add_port, clone, get_id, get_name, get_port, get_port, get_stat, run, send_on, set_invisible, set_stat, sim_cancel, sim_completed, sim_current, sim_get_next, sim_get_next, sim_hold_for, sim_hold, sim_pause_for, sim_pause_for, sim_pause_until, sim_pause_until, sim_pause, sim_process_for, sim_process_for, sim_process_until, sim_process_until, sim_process, sim_putback, sim_schedule, sim_schedule, sim_schedule, sim_schedule, sim_schedule, sim_schedule, sim_select, sim_trace, sim_wait_for, sim_wait_for, sim_wait_for, sim_wait, sim_waiting, sim_waiting
Methods inherited from class Thread
activeCount, checkAccess, countStackFrames, currentThread, destroy, dumpStack, enumerate, getAllStackTraces, getContextClassLoader, getDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler, getId, getName, getPriority, getStackTrace, getState, getThreadGroup, getUncaughtExceptionHandler, holdsLock, interrupt, interrupted, isAlive, isDaemon, isInterrupted, join, join, join, resume, setContextClassLoader, setDaemon, setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler, setName, setPriority, setUncaughtExceptionHandler, sleep, sleep, start, stop, stop, suspend, toString, yield
Methods inherited from class Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public DoubleAuction(String auctionName,
                     int auctioneerID,
                     int auctionProtocol,
                     double durationOfAuction,
                     Sim_port output)
              throws Exception
Default constructor

auctionName - A name for the auction
auctioneerID - the ID of the auctioneer
auctionProtocol - the auction protocol
durationOfAuction - duration of the auction in simulation time
output - the port to be used as output of messages


public DoubleAuction(String auctionName,
                     int auctionProtocol,
                     double durationOfAuction)
              throws Exception
Default constructor

auctionName - A name for the auction
auctionProtocol - the auction protocol
durationOfAuction - duration of the auction in simulation time
Method Detail


protected double getDurationOfAuction()
Returns the duration of the auction

the duration in simulation time of the auction


protected void match(MessageAsk ask,
                     MessageBid bid,
                     double price)
Invoked by the subclasses when a match of an ask and a bid is found. This method triggers an event to the auctioneer, who knows that a match was done.

ask - the ask that was matched
bid - the bid that was matched
price - the trade price


public void startAuction()
This method is called to start the auction and initialize the necessary paramenters

Specified by:
startAuction in class Auction


protected void closeAuction()
This method sets the auction as closed


protected void processEvent(Sim_event ev)
Processes events or services that are available for this Auctioneer

Specified by:
processEvent in class Auction
ev - a Sim_event object
Pre Condition:
ev != null
Post Condition:


protected void processOtherEvent(Sim_event ev)
Overrides this method when making a new and different policy. This method is called by Auction.body() for incoming unknown tags.

ev - a Sim_event object
Pre Condition:
ev != null
Post Condition:


public abstract void onStart()
Called when the auction is started


public abstract void onStop()
Called when the auction finishes


public abstract void onReceiveAsk(MessageAsk ask)
Called when a ask is sent by a provider.

ask - the ask sent by the provider


public abstract void onReceiveBid(MessageBid bid)
Called when a bid is received.

bid - the bid received by the auctioneer

GridSim 5.0 beta

The University of Melbourne, Australia, 2009