Technical Areas

The TFCC's technical areas (but not limited to) and its coordinators are listed below. Please contact respective coordinators or TFCC chairs if you have any comments links to be added.
 Network Technologies Salim Hariri (Arizona, USA)
 OS Technologies Hank Dietz (University of Kentucky, USA)
 Programming Environments Tony Skjellum (MPI Softech, USA)
 Parallel I/O Erich Schikuta (Wien, Austria)
 Java Technologies: Geoffrey Fox (NPAC, Syracuse, USA)
 Algorithms and Applications Marcin Paprzycki, (USM, USA); and David Bader, Uni. of New Mexico, USA.
 Analysis and Profiling Tools Dan Reed (UIUC, USA)
 Storage Technologies Mazin Yousif (IBM, USA)
 High Throughput Computing Miron Livny (University of Wisconsin at Madison, USA)
 High Availability: Ira Pramanick (Sun Microsystems, USA)
 Single System Image Toni Cortes (Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain)
 Performance Evaluation Jack Dongarra (University of Tennessee at Knoxville and ORNL, USA)
 Software Engineering Peter Luksch (Technical University, Muenchen, Germany)
 Education Barry Wilkinson (UNCC, USA)
 Newsletter Frank Sommers, University of Southern California
 Industrial Contact Rawn Shah (Sun World Journal, USA)